We all know that oxygen is vital to breathing and living. But did you know it’s also vital to how your skin looks? Lack of oxygen causes dullness, sagging, dryness, irritation, and creepiness. That’s why when the oxygen administered to the skin plumps, calm redness and hydrated. After all, it seemed like the perfect alternative to those afraid of going under the knife or needle.
Allow us to introduce you to the Oxy Geneo facial: a next-level treatment that makes the skin glow like there’s a choir of angels singing their hearts out behind you, like your face is swathed in a luminescent halo, like you were sent from heaven above to grace the Earth with your radiant complexion.
What Is the OxyGeneo Facial?
Oxy Geneo technology is inspired by scientific research into natural physiological processes, namely the Bohr effect, that actively increase oxygen levels in the skin. It mimics this phenomenon by creating CO2 bubbles close to the skin’s surface – an action that occurs when the GENEO Personal Capsules come into contact with the GENEO Personal Primer Gel – to trigger the body’s response, which then causes the body to flush the skin’s cells with oxygen and reveal skin that appears renewed.
Oxy Geneo is like an oxygen treatment but on a whole other level. The Oxy Geneo 3 in 1 super facial works upon the natural process of our body to oxygenate the skin from within. It capitalizes on a well-known effect called 'Bohr effect,' to trigger the body to oxygenate the skin naturally from within. The Bohr effect is a natural process that takes place in our body from the moment we come to the world and until the moment we leave it. The Oxy Geneo works with the body, never against it.
The Oxy Geneo produces countless minute CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin’s surface. The kinetic force from the applicator is designed to degas the CO2 bubbles and infuse them into the skin. This induces a physiological response leading to increased tissue oxygen, O2 rich blood and elevated cell metabolism.
OxygeneO takes its inspiration from natural hot springs – known for inducing skin oxygenation. By simulating this effect, Oxy Geneo triggers a body response that sends oxygen to the treated area. At the same time Oxy Geneo exfoliates the skin and creates an optimal environment for infusion of essential nutrients both during and after the treatment.
There are three parts to the treatment:
gentle exfoliation
the infusion of antioxidants and nutrients
the oxygenation.
Oxy Geneo treatment allows to get the exfoliation benefits of microdermabrasion plus deep facial rejuvenation with the infusion of essential revitalising nutrients and healing skin oxygenation from within.What's more, the treatments are beneficial for very sensitive skin, rosacea and inflamed skin types and can be tailored to specific skin concerns.
Benefits of the OxyGeneo Facial
Plumps, hydrates, and brightens skin
Shrinks the appearance of pores
Improves skin texture and cal irritation
Reduces erythema (redness of the skin) by building new blood cells
Oxy Geneo 3 in 1 facial unic formula improves the skin for the long term with improved micro-circulation. This slows down the ageing process and significantly contributes to the skin functionality that consequently improves its appearance.
Best of all, the results aren't surface level. Rather, since it works from the inside out.
Traditional Oxygen Facial vs Oxy Geneo Facial 3 in 1
Unlike standard oxygen facials, the Oxy Geneo treatment doesn’t push oxygen into your skin (which can sometimes lead to redness and sensitivity). Rather, it makes the oxygenation occur from the inside.
Here’s how it works:
Treatment gel interact with the tip of the hand-piece used, which creates carbon dioxide bubbles and causes oxygen-rich blood to come to the surface of the skin. This magical wand is actually drawing oxygen to the surface from the inside instead of pushing it into your face. It makes a world of difference!